St. Benedict Preschool For 3.5-5 Year Olds
St. Benedict School opened a Preschool program in the fall of 2017 for children 3.5 to 5 years old. As part of the St. Benedict family the Preschool shares the same mission: We promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, helping to develop the whole child: spiritually, academically, psychologically and physically. In particular, with our preschool children, we focus on positive interactions with relationships, constructive and purposeful play, interaction with the environment and partnerships with families.
St. Benedict Preschool follows Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards. Daily activities include language arts, math, science and development of fine and gross motor skills. Children enjoy additional activities such as physical education, library, music, recess and lunch. Students may bring a packed lunch or purchase a lunch through our Hot Lunch Program.
We offer three full-day options:
- Two days: Tuesday and Thursday ($200.00 per month)
- Three Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday ($300.00 per month)
- Five Days: Monday through Friday. ($450.00 per month)
We understand the demands of working parents and that is why we are happy to offer morning care for those families.
Please contact the school office at 740-432-6751 for more information or to make an appointment to tour our school.
- About Our Preschool
- Policies & Procedures
- Registration & Forms
- Attend

Welcome to St. Benedict Preschool! My name is Katy Nelson and I am the Director and Lead Teacher of the preschool program. I am looking forward to guiding and nurturing your child’s learning through these foundational years.
Following the St. Benedict philosophy of Faith, Knowledge, and Character, our preschool promotes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, developing the whole child through spirituality, academically, intellectually, and physically. Our curriculum focuses on developmentally appropriate practices aiming to guide and nurture children through innovative thinking and opportunities to develop problem-solving, teamwork, and self-awareness. By nurturing self-esteem and confidence through guided learning techniques, our program demonstrates how to learn, create lifelong work habits, and live as thoughtful people. A substantial aspect in the role of a teacher is to nurture, advocate, and be an intermediary for students. Along with the teacher, it is the student’s responsibility to co-contribute to classroom culture, be inquisitive, actively participate, and maintain personal accountability.
Following Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards your child will participate in learning activities in language arts, math, science, and the development of motor skills. Your child’s day will also consist of gym, library, music, and recess on our outdoor playground.
We believe that children are the world’s most valuable gift and the brightest hope for the future! It would be our honor to be a part of who your child is growing to be. If you are interested in joining our St. Benedict family, please contact the school at 740-432-6751 ext. 121.
Many blessings,
Katy Nelson
Director and Lead Teacher
St. Benedict Preschool
220 North 7th Street, Cambridge, Ohio 43725
Pastor: Father Nicholas Ginnetti, 701 Gomber Ave, Cambridge, Ohio 43725..740-432-7609
Principal: 220 N. 7th St, Cambridge, Ohio..740-432-6751
Associate Director: Katy Nelson, 821 N. 10th Street, Cambridge, Ohio 43725..740-435-0251
Assistant Teacher:
Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:00 every morning to those children who chose to eat. This is a Federally subsidized program and is free to those who qualify and$1.00 for those who don’t.
A Federally subsidized lunch program is provided for students. Free and reduced priced meals are offered to those who apply and qualify. Information regarding prices will be sent home at the beginning of the year. Milk is provided with the cost of the meal or can be purchased alone. We discourage charging but no child will go hungry for lack of money in account. We ask that parents not bring outside purchased lunches to the cafeteria. POP IS NOT PERMITTED AT LUNCH TIME.
Daily snack will be provided by a student, you will get a snack calendar at the beginning of each month. The school will provide a drink.
Each morning you may drop your child off at the door facing the parking lot on Steubenville Ave. This door will be staffed from 7:30-7:45, if you arrive after 8:00 you will have to call the preschool office and a staff member will come down and let you in. Please park in the parking spots so that there is less congestion at the doors. For special circumstances for drop off please speak to the director.
Each afternoon you may pick up your child at the door facing the parking lot on Steubenville Ave. If you need to pick up your child before 3:00 please call the preschool office so we can make arrangements to get your child to you.
It is our belief that the children should be dressed so that they can manage their clothing. We would like them to be dressed for play but also not to distract from the learning process. Clean, comfortable, and free of hole. We will be doing ALOT of stairs so they will need to wear tennis shoes and socks for safety reasons. PLEASE no boots.
We strongly encourage regular attendance throughout the year. In the case of absence we appreciate a phone call to let us know the cause. If your child becomes ill at school they will be made comfortable, away from other students, then you will be contacted to come pick them up. Please as a general rule of thumb if your child is vomiting, has diarrhea, has discharge from eyes, has fever over 100, severe cough, lice, strep throat, or untreated infected skin patches PLEASE keep them home and possibly see a doctor.
You will receive a tuition contract. This contract is to be signed and returned along with the registration fee. Your tuition payments will be made to the school secretary by the 15 of each month. Her hours are 7:15-3:00 Monday-Friday. If payments become delinquent there will be a meeting with the Director to resolve the issue. Families are encouraged to participate in SCRIP tuition assistance program. Families can earn limitless amount of tuition assistance through weekly and monthly participation. SCRIP can be purchased at the school, after Mass on weekends and online.
If weather conditions exist, parents are asked to listen to the local radio stations for announcements pertaining to school operations. We normally follow the decisions made by Cambridge City Schools.
We will hold conferences twice a year. Scheduled conferences will be in November and March. Special conferences can be made at any time to discuss your child’s wellbeing.
The school building will be locked at all time! If you need in the building you will have to call the preschool office and someone will assist you. If you can’t get someone in the preschool you then will have to go to the main building and ring the bell and they will help you. Children can not be released to anyone other than a parent. If someone other than a parent is picking up you must notify a staff member. Please note the person picking and they will need to have their driver’s license for us to release the child.
You are always welcome at St. Benedict Preschool! All volunteers must be fingerprinted and participate in a child safety training before beginning to help in the classroom. There are other areas you can help not only in the classroom so make sure and ask if you want to help out.
Please label all items, especially outerwear with your child’s name. Backpacks, lunchboxes, and nap items should be marked as well. PLEASE refrain from letting your child bring toys from home, we can’t always guarantee that they will return home the same way that they came. We will have show and tell certain times during the year.
The St. Benedict Preschool will run from Labor Day to Memorial Day Monday through Friday. Hours will be 7:30am to 3:00 pm. We will run Holidays with St. Benedict School but some In-services days will vary. The calendar will be posted and handed out.
There will be two staff members with the children throughout the day. Licensing requires one adult to every 14 four/five year olds so we are well within that requirement.